6 weeks old and deciding if this is the one? 19 January 2024
Yes he definitely is the one - Picking up our new puppy Dasher on 2 February 2024
After a stop off for lunch Dasher slept all the way home. (2 February 2024)
Finally home and we introduce Dasher to his new garden. 2 February 2024
Robert shows him all the toys we have brought for him. 2 February 2024
Picking up Dasher - Day 1 02/02/2
The journey begins. While sitting on the floor in Juliette Whittaker’s kitchen and chatting, Dasher investigates his new crate. (I talk about Di Martin’s puppy course, link here which is part of a collaboration with my good friend Kamal Fernandez, who sent Dasher’s picture to me, and I couldn’t resist such a lovely face. The puppy’s not Kamal’s. Not that your face isn’t handsome too, Kamal, ha ha!) Robert is teasing me about my emotional responses to collecting our new pup. Still, I notice his professional filming abilities are being taxed as he allows a finger to get into the shot. You can’t tell me that he hasn’t been distracted by such a cute puppy. Thank you, Juliette, for doing such a great job of raising Dasher. He managed the ride home without a hitch. After lunch, though, we transferred him to his car crate to see him better. But we needn’t have worried he slept the rest of the way home.
Dasher’s first encounter with his aunties
Dasher is so brave. He is not daunted at all by Joy, our Leonberger. Both his aunties are being very gentle with him. Unfortunately, our filming wasn’t up to the task as he escaped from behind a temporary barrier I had put up before Robert could grab the camera. We missed their gentle sniffs of each other, but we managed to film the girls being rewarded for such a successful encounter.
The gated community
Day 2 - 03/02/24
Dash was such a good boy last night - he slept all the way to 6.30 am. I slept in the guest room, and he stayed in his puppy pen in the next room. I had the door open, and he didn’t show any sign of separation anxiety. He was glad to see me, though, when I got up to let him out. After a quick cuddle, I took him in the garden, and he performed both a number 1 and number 2 on cue. Probably a bit of a fluke, but I am pleased he was dry overnight. Dash followed me about whilst I got his breakfast out of the fridge. Robert came down and played with him.
The girls didn’t get up till 8.20 but seemed pleased to see their new little nephew. After Auntie duties were performed., a play bow from Joy and lessons in politeness from Penny, my elderly Border Collie, everyone settled down for a bit of a break behind the room divider and Dash in his play pen. Dash was tired and napped, and his Aunties went off to have breakfast. All is going well in the Done household thanks to good boundary training.
We are spending much more time together as a family group.
I am so chuffed by how well my old girls are doing. Penny still wants to keep out of the way; she is 14 years old on the 4th of July and has had a sports injury to her spine, so I think she is being cautious. When Joy arrived, she loved playing tug with her, but she seems reluctant now to play. On the other hand, Joy would love to play chase, but I am discouraging exuberant games while Dash is still a baby. I love your comment, Juliette, that your chunky boy meeting Joy is like a guinea pig meeting an elephant.
How do you solve the problem of Dash - Day 3 04/02/24
When you get a new puppy, you are often told that you will have a hooligan if you don’t start training and socialising early. But I would suggest that the most important thing is to help your pup to cope with our complex environment. Today, I realised how important it is to build a good relationship with my pup. In my rush to have a happy family group, I let Dash fixate on chasing his Aunties around the garden. Thanks to Kamal Fernandez’s advice, I had a rethink. I am working on my relationship with Dash before allowing free play with his Aunts. He has such a strong herding eye, and I will regret it if I allow him to have an obsession with herding his Aunts. Thanks, Kamal, for helping me out and helping me rethink things. My mantra is “stay curious and always be prepared to learn.” I decided to play Di Martin’s station games after the text from Kamal, and this is the toy he picked to play with first.
First, Dash steals my walking boots.
I then play "What's in the Box Dasher."
But finally, all the expensive toys are rejected for a cardboard tube.
Don’t tell me I’ve eaten too many cookies - Day 4
Today, I started a bit later, at 6.45 instead of 6.30. Thank you, Dash, for the lie-in; I really enjoyed it. But I needed to get going as I was visiting a client this morning. So, after breakfast and a play, I left Dash in his playpen for his first home-alone experience. He did brilliantly, although Robert was back after 25 minutes, so he didn’t have to be alone for long. Then Robert collected me with Dasher in his car crate for a short journey. I want Dasher to enjoy his car rides if we are going to lots of shows. By the way, our new Van arrived today, so now I have room for all of my three dogs.
This evening, we decided to play a platform-shaping game to kill two birds with one stone. We did it on a pair of scales so I could keep an eye on his diet and condition. I think he worries I might cut out the chicken cookies (homemade dehydrated chicken treats).
Sleep is so important - Day 5 06/02/24
Today, Dasher has been such fun to watch. It has been fascinating. He has really found his feet. This morning, he solved the problem of what to do if you want to save your chew for later. He jumped in the toy bag and then dug at the toys. He jumped out—no chew in his mouth. Mission accomplished. However, Dasher has also had some less amusing moments. Rushing up to me and giving me a grab bite, then rushing off again. He would not be distracted by a toy, so I decided he needed reboot time in his pen because he was getting so excited and rather bitey. Once in his crate, he was fast asleep within moments. I then thought I would reflect on my journal (I record when he sleeps and goes for a number 1 and 2). His behaviour was obviously because he wasn’t getting enough sleep. Keeping a journal might seem over the top, but I have found it helpful to learn Dasher’s patterns. And believe me, it’s incredible how they fall into natural patterns, which helps with housetraining. It occurs to me that in doing this, I am following the aged routine of the domestication process of our historical past as I become alert to my pups’ perceptions and make my perceptions known to him. It’s all about creating a line of communication between us. He is such an active boy; sometimes, I must intervene and ignore the whimpers. And as I have tried to ignore him while writing this, he has dropped off to sleep. Mission accomplished.
Socialisation and habituation - Day 6 07/02/24
What a busy day Dash has had today. A friend came round this morning, so Dasher had a chance to socialise. Then my friend helped with habituation with the hoover. Dasher showed no fear even when it got close to his puppy pen. Then Dasher had a long nap. After lunch, Robert returned from his visit to the dentist. In his excitement, Dasher made a bit of a mistake and peed inside. Excitement always makes puppies more likely to make mistakes, but we took him straight out again, and he performed nicely. Then he had another nap; once awake, we went to the pet shop in our new van to get some odour remover. His mistakes tend to be in the same place. But the trip helped habituate Dasher to our new van, and of course, he had his Aunties for support. Joy was particularly supportive. So today was about getting Dasher used to our routines - meeting and greeting and getting used to sights and sounds.
When Family come to visit - Day 7 08/02/24
Thursday is my favourite day of the week. I get to look after my granddaughter. I used to do the same for her older sister, who is now at school. If you are reading this with mummy Josie, don’t forget you are coming to stay at half-term, and you will have plenty of time to visit Dash, too. But you can see from the picture that he enjoys watching TV. It seems the Twirlywoos or Teletubbies are both their favourites.
When family come to visit with all my dogs, I make sure that everyone understands good boundaries. My older dogs know what is expected of them, but for young Dash, the playpen arrangement is the best way to avoid unwanted nips from a Border Collie pup who has not learnt good bite inhibition. I make sure that all interactions are done very carefully. Toddlers must learn to be gentle, and pups must learn not to put their sharp little teeth on their skin. But today’s first meeting was a success. Both child and puppy seemed ecstatic to say hello to each other, and I ensured there was no frustration on either side of the barrier.
Equipment for the big wide world - Day 8 09/02/24
Another great day with Dasher. We tried out his puppy bag for his new adventures into the big wide world. We also did some collar training. First, I needed him to get used to wearing one. He was a star and took both new pieces of equipment in his stride.
Let’s be honest - Day 9 10/02/24
I sent this video to my daughter today and said, ‘Should I post this? What do you think? My house is such a mess.’ We decided together, it is good to be honest. Raising a puppy is as much work as raising a child. Dasher even piddled on my Daughter on her last visit. She had to borrow a pair of jeans whilst I put hers on a quick wash cycle. But despite having the usual bitey puppy problems, having a puppy is so much fun. And I know that with lots of environmental enrichment and training, he will be a fantastic family pet and maybe win some obedience competitions. Watching him play, I realise what a clever chap he is.
Sunday lie-in - Day 10 11/02/24
It was a great morning. Dasher decided he was going to have a Sunday lie-in. I was grateful for the extra rest. As I took him out, the sun had already come up, and I enjoyed our garden walk with just a glimmer of sunshine. After the last few days of rain, it was a welcome change. It was also a bit warmer today, so I decided to take Dasher for a romp in the front garden after lunch. He lived up to his name and dashed around, utterly oblivious to me. He had decided that he was going his own way. But I was watching to make sure he didn’t get into any trouble. Whilst watching him I reflected on Psalm 121: 8 — my Father in Heaven watches over me, too.
MY DOG’S OPUS - Day 11 12/02/24
Every dog has an innate ability. A gun dog will want to hold a toy in his mouth. A terrier may want to shake his toys and even rip them apart. Well, my Dasher likes to round his toys up. A collie has to do what a collie has to do.
NAUGHTY OR NICE - Day 12 13/02/24
If someone asked me today how Dasher is getting on, I must admit I would be torn between two descriptions. He has been so lovely today, both cuddly and showing promise in his training. But this evening, he did zoomies around his pen and attacked my feet and would not be distracted. Then rushed off and piddled in the corner of the room. But, as I tell my clients, you can either dwell on the bad or celebrate your wins. And I choose to remember the wins today. Look how nicely he walked on his lead. There are no panics or tantrums; we are just enjoying investigating the back garden together—tonight's antics I shall just put down to being tired.
My Funny Valentine - Day 13 14/02/24
My funny valentine
Sweet comic Valentine
You make me smile with my heart
Your looks are laughable.
Yet, you're my favourite work of art.
Is your figure less than Greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak
Are you smart?
But don't change your hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay, little Valentine, stay
Each day is Valentine's Day
Chet Baker
Baker could have written the song for Dasher; he is such a character who could not help but laugh at his antics. His figure is unknown, but his mouth and sharp teeth are not weak. But he is going to be smart. His hair might change as he gets older, but each day is Valentine’s Day with him in our lives.
A Calm Walk and a Chat
Day 14
Every day, Dasher makes great strides. Robert and I chat calmly to reassure him, but we need not have worried. We are just chewing the fat. It’s always amusing listening back. But we are so pleased with how happy he is just pottering about. He is a bold little pup and quickly returns to homeostasis after being slightly spooked by the noises coming from next door’s property.
Half-term brings new excitement - Day 15 16/02/24
Dasher is beyond excited today as the family have come to stay for half-term. Our granddaughter shows off her dog training skills, and Dasher is happy to have little people to play with. However, he was also so pleased to meet Uncle Chris that Dasher showed his pleasure by promptly piddling on him.
Looking After Me Looking After Puppy Day 16 17/02/24
I’ve gone down with some awful virus, so I have had to ask for help from the family. Looking after a puppy can be exhausting. I spent most of my day on the sofa asleep. Fortunately, the family rallied, and all chipped in to help. Everyone loves our new puppy. My son has helped feed Dasher, who seems to have come out in sympathy with me as he is off his food. We think he has eaten something in the garden that has upset his stomach. Chris managed to tempt him to eat again with some leftover roast chicken. He was really spoilt. Thankfully, he was more himself this evening. Not me, though. My cough got the better of me, and I went to bed early, leaving Robert to settle Dasher in his bed for the night.
Go and be dogs - Day 17 18/02/24
Dasher has been so good today, despite me still nursing a bad cold and laryngitis and having everyone in the family take turns to give him attention. In this clip, Dasher shows how much he has bonded with me over just a few days. Rather than chase the other dogs, he listens to his recall cues, albeit with my croaky voice, comes back to me when called, and sits when asked. At just over ten weeks, who could ask for anything more? You may have noticed that at the end of the clip, I tell my dogs to ‘go and be dogs’; my dogs generally stick to me like glue until I tell them they are free to go off and do what dogs like, sniffing. I think Dasher was watching and learning from his aunties because he was copying them and sticking closely behind me. When he wandered off for a sniff, he returned when called. However, Robert was so impressed he forgot to follow him with the camera. But I’m glad of his poor camera work, as I am mostly out of shot, which is a good thing as I am in my tracksuit and sporting an old coat. I look quite a site.
Day 18 - 19/02/24
Today was a roller coaster day, and I paid the price—so many people ask me why we have reactive dogs. I think it is because we have become immune to how hectic today’s world is. I took my puppy out for his first experience in the big outside world. He coped well, watching the world go by from the safety of his crate. However, I made the mistake of saying to my husband - ‘let’s stop on the way home and give the girls a walk. Dasher can go in his papoose’. Well, that was a mistake. When he got home, he was beyond calming, and he was super bitey. His little brain could not cope with all the sights and sounds of the day. Because he is such a clever puppy, I forgot how overwhelmed puppies can get when they are young. Yes, I have to socialise my puppy, but you can also go too fast for a little puppy brain to process. During the next few days, I will dial things back and go at the pace my puppy can cope with.

Despite the lovely sunset, I realised my puppy had been overloaded with different sights and smells.

This picture might look like I am having a wonderful day.

My puppy may seem to be having a great time out in the big wide world.
Who's in the dog house? Day 19
There is little to report today. Robert was at a behaviour seminar, and Dasher and I had a quiet day. I have decided to schedule naps for Dasher. He is like a toddler; he keeps going. He may seem to enjoy himself like yesterday. But, just as any toddler parent would tell you, if you skip the naps, you will pay for it later. An overstimulated puppy makes poor choices. But I am pleased to report that when Robert got back from London, he said how much calmer Dasher seemed, and that was surprising because it is in the evenings that Dasher is always more gremlin than puppy.
What can you do on rainy days - Day 20 21/02/24
The weather has been dreadful, and even the Aunties are reluctant to go out in the rain. Dasher is not so bothered about water, but I decided I had enough and brought him in for lunch. It was a mixture of different foods and textures for him to explore as an enrichment experience. I will try anything to try and entertain my rather soggy puppy.
Who could resist that face? Day 21 - 22/02/24
Today, I get to look after my granddaughter, but there are no pictures of the baby and dogs together as their naps do not synchronize. When Dasher was awake, Edie was asleep, and vice versa. To be honest, it made my job much easier.
Tug Time - Day 22 23/02/24
Dasher loves his toys, but I have to be careful not to play for too long; otherwise, like all puppies, he can forget himself and get too excited. Tug Time should always be a short but sweet game, and I finished the game by letting all the toys go dead and sprinkling his favourite treat on the floor.
Dasher finds his voice
Day 23 - 24/02/24
Today, Dasher found his voice, but it was a surprise as I was sure he would love the new toy I bought him. I will keep you posted on whether he overcomes his fear of novelty and plays with the strange thing in the middle of the room.
My brave boy
It didn’t take long for Dasher to overcome his fears. Most collies are aware of novelty — a valuable skill for a sheepdog to find a lost sheep. However, I think this can be too heightened a skill for some collies to cope with our busy urban world, so I am happy with how quickly he overcame his reluctance to interact with his new tug toy.
Where’s Dasher - Day 24
After a busy day of playing a parkour game, I set out for Dasher. We decided to dim the lights and give him peace and quiet so he could unwind. His training is going well, and he keeps an eye on his master throughout the day. Just as it should be, but sometimes Dasher needs to know he can rest knowing I am not far away keeping my eye on him. It is all about building up that relationship of trust, which reminds me this Sunday how I am told to keep my eyes on the perfector of faith. Hebrews 12:2
Tug or not to tug, that is the question - Day 25 26/02/24
What tug I use adds to Dasher’s enthusiasm. I am learning what Dasher likes the best. Not all tugs are created equal. He loves his rabbit fur tug but likes these new tugs with equal enthusiasm. He has very little interest in the fake fur tug. It’s fascinating how dogs have preferences; I have even found that those preferences change as Dasher gets older.
Just having fun - Day 26 27/02/24
I discovered parkour some years back, and I think Dasher enjoys solving how to negotiate the obstacles I have set out for him. It has a very calming effect on him, too.
The Cameraman had an off day - Day 27
Today, this is the only picture we managed to get. But you can see from this small clip that Dasher is learning good manners from his Aunties.
Dasher is 12 weeks today - Day 28
As Dasher gets older, I can trust him more. I can let him have more time to play with his aunties. Joy, my Leonberger, is showing a great deal of patience. Also, he is learning when a game should end.
Dasher is 13 Weeks old today - 7/03/24
And what does he want to do; he only wants to shove his head into something. Sometimes, he manages to get his whole body to follow.

Dasher is 14 weeks old today - 14/03/24
Every day is filled with fun. Today, we are playing with a flirt pole with a lure at the end. Dash really got the hang of it. I even put in a few cues, like ‘down’ and ‘sit,’ before giving him the cue to ‘get it.’ I love this age when puppies start to respond to training.