Rediscover Joy with Your Dog

Little did I know how far I would be challenged by a new puppy when I wrote my book, ‘Rediscover Joy with Your Dog’. As you can see from Dasher’s wakey haircut, he has had his operation on both of his front legs, but we are still not out of the woods yet as to the outcome. I have to take it one day at a time. Six weeks of cage rest has been the biggest hurdle to overcome together. We have been extremely strict on limiting his exercise, but as it would be for any Border Collie, the restrictions have been burdensome for him to comprehend and abide by. Border Collies were bred to be on the go 24/7 doing a job of work, and although I have done my best, he is now showing signs of frustration with behaviour I wish he didn’t practise. His habit, for example, of holding on to my arm with his mouth is one of them. He tends to do this when worried, in pain, tired, or hungry. So what am I doing about it? Well, I am using my daily planner, keeping the end game with his projected story in mind, and using that as traction for his daily training regime. I need to use games that involve his physical therapy. We started his hydrotherapy today, and I am pleased to say that even after one session, his front legs are moving more freely, and there is only a slight hint of lameness. With the help of a professional physiotherapist, I am also hoping to create a game plan for him that will help his strength and muscle tone. More of that will be discussed in my next blog, but if you are going through similar health issues with your dog, always consult your regime with a professional. 


Like a Duck to Water


Our Rehab Journey Begins